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7 Facial Signs of Alcoholism to Watch Out For

Alcoholism is a significant hurdle to overcome for your health and wellness. Nearly one-fifth of adults in the United States binge drink, resulting in higher rates of alcohol dependence. The damage caused by a drinking problem manifests in several ways, and the face is the most common area to see signs.

The facial signs of alcoholism are extensive, and knowing how to identify them will help you help your loved ones or friends. It’s the first step toward identifying alcohol addiction and starting the road to recovery.

The good news is that you’re in the perfect place to learn to spot the signs and seek help. Continue reading to help yourself or a loved one overcome an alcohol problem today!

1. Redness

The first sign many people notice when someone develops an alcohol problem is redness in the face. It’s also called an alcohol flush reaction, and it happens when the body is struggling to break down the alcohol being consumed.

The toxins present in the alcohol begin accumulating in the system due to the body’s inability to break it down. Your body will react by expanding the blood vessels in your face, which creates a reddened appearance. It’s the primary sign you’ll notice with alcoholism.

It’s possible to dismiss the redness as a reaction to heat or a blush. When viewed in a vacuum with other signs of alcoholism, it’s a significant indicator of alcohol abuse by your friend or loved one.

2. Spider Veins

Another sign to look for if you’re worried someone you care about is battling an alcohol problem is spider veins. The red and rosy glow of alcohol dependence due to broken capillaries will begin showing up on the face and around the nose.

These veins are quite small and become more visible when dilated after consuming alcohol. If your loved one continues drinking high volumes of alcohol, these spider veins will become more prominent. In severe cases, the veins will become permanent.

3. Puffy Face

A puffy face is a typical reaction by your body after drinking with friends and family. Much of the puffiness results from dehydration caused by consuming large volumes of alcohol. The puffiness is also a result of your body reacting to the toxins you’ve put in it through drinking alcohol.

Drinking beer and liquor causes your body to lose more water than it’s gaining. Water retention in your body begins dwindling, and the body reacts by attempting to hold onto as much of it as possible. The result is a puffy or swollen face.

For someone displaying the facial signs of alcoholism, the swelling doesn’t end with the morning after drinking. The puffiness remains and becomes a characteristic of your appearance. The body fights a continuous battle against the toxins resulting from alcohol dependence and consumption.

For a heavy drinker, the puffiness will become more pronounced. It will combine with the weight gain related to drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Most beverages contain high concentrations of carbohydrates, promoting weight gain related to drinking.

4. Yellow Skin Tone

Extensive alcohol abuse causes significant damage to the liver. Your liver exists to detoxify your body, and you run severe health risks when your body can no longer protect itself from the toxins entering it. A yellow skin tone is one of the first signs of jaundice.

Jaundice will also affect your eye color, with the whites of your eyes gradually turning yellow. For a family member or loved one battling a drinking problem, jaundice is a clear sign that they’ve caused significant internal damage to their body.

The yellow skin tone will display the challenges the body faces with excessive alcohol consumption. The liver’s ability to function as designed is at risk. Jaundice is related to other health conditions affecting the liver, but it’s also a significant sign of alcohol abuse and dependence.

5. Unhealthy Skin

Individuals with a drinking problem encounter issues with their skin after a prolonged period of addiction. The dehydration caused by consuming alcohol can dry skin out or result in skin sore outbreaks. The most common sign of dehydration related to alcohol is a dry and flaky appearance that no longer glows.

Premature aging is another sign of unhealthy skin related to alcohol abuse. The skin will lose its elasticity due to the lack of water necessary for collagen production.

Many people battling alcohol addiction neglect a healthy diet, preventing the skin from getting the vitamins and nutrients necessary for a healthy appearance. When combined with other facial signs of alcoholism, you can determine what your loved one is battling based on the health of their skin.

6. Dark Eye Rings

Dark rings under the eyes are a common sign of alcohol abuse that shows up on the individual’s face-many people who abuse alcohol struggle to get quality sleep. The sleep cycle is disrupted, creating dark rings under the eyes.

Your loved one will struggle to reach the restful and deep levels of sleep required to help the body and mind heal. The blood vessels under the skin will become more apparent, creating dark rings around your eyes.

7. Bloodshot Eyes

A telltale sign of an alcohol problem is bloodshot eyes. Drinking alcohol causes the blood vessels to expand in the body, creating the redness that causes bloodshot eyes. For temporary drinking, the signs will wear off in a matter of hours.

For a heavy drinker, the bloodshot eyes will become long-lasting. In severe cases, the look can become part of your permanent appearance.

Look for These Facial Signs of Alcoholism

Looking out for your family and loved one’s health is essential for their long-term outlook on life, and it’s necessary to know the facial signs of alcoholism to help these individuals when they need it most. Redness and puffiness in the face are typical signs of an alcohol problem, as are bloodshot eyes. Jaundice occurs in extreme cases, as are dark rings under the eyes.

Your health is essential to live a long, happy life with the people you love. Read our Health content to find pointers to remain active and healthy today!

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